The Mass translation pew card has the updated Mass responses. It is 14 x 21.5 cm fully laminated and has a greeting, penitential acts (forms A and B), Gloria, Dialogue at the Gosepel, Nicene Creed, Apostles Creed, and Invitation to prayer. There is also a preface dialogue and preface acclamation, a mystery of faith A, B, C, and a sign of peace. The concluding rites are an invitation to communion and the dismissal.
Updated Mass translation pew card
14 x 21.5cm fully laminated
The updated mass pew card has the updated Mass responses.
Penitential Act (Form A)
Penitential Act (Form B)
Dialogue at the Gosepel
Nicene Creed
Apostles Creed
Invitation to prayer
Preface Dialogue
Preface Acclamation
Mystery of Faith A,B,C
Sign of Peace
Invitation to Communion
Concluding rites